
F-ZeroClimaxisaracingvideogamedevelopedbySuzakInc.andpublishedbyNintendofortheGameBoyAdvance(GBA)handheldconsole.,F-ZeroClimaxisafuturisticracingvideogamefortheNintendoGameBoyAdvancehandheld.ItwasreleasedexclusivelyinJapanonOctober21,2004.,このゲームの前作『F−ZEROファルコン伝説』から登場したゼロテストで、初心者も安心ですし、中〜上級者になれば、同じモードでタイムアタックにしのぎを削るという ......


F-Zero Climax is a racing video game developed by Suzak Inc. and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance (GBA) handheld console.

F-Zero Climax - F-Zero Wiki

F-Zero Climax is a futuristic racing video game for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance handheld. It was released exclusively in Japan on October 21, 2004.

F-ZERO CLIMAX [Game Boy Advance]

このゲームの前作『F−ZEROファルコン伝説』から登場したゼロテストで、初心者も安心ですし、中〜上級者になれば、同じモードでタイムアタックにしのぎを削るという ...


Story mode is back in spirit via Climax's survival mode. The survival mode is set up as a series of missions similar to the racing segments of GP Legend's story ...

Games - F

F-Zero Climax, released in 2004 on the GBA, is a Japanese exclusive and was the last F-Zero game until 2023's F-Zero 99. The game features improved graphics ...


Survival is a game mode introduced in F-Zero Climax. It consists of three different modes that the player can take on with the game's 36 different racers.